Welcome to Liquid Crystal Art


No doubt most of you are wondering what is Liquid Crystal Art?Texture Example


Please let me begin by giving you some background on Liquid Crystals and their origins. Liquid crystals have been known about for over 100 years, with them being first called Flüssige Kristalle or "flowing crystals." In 1972 these liquid crystals were transformed from chemicals of curiosity into modern display devices that can be found in mobile telephones, laptop computers, and flat screen HDTVs. In addition to these more common devices liquid crystals can be found in things such as spider silk, KevlarTM, DNA, and from thermometer strips to interactive billboards.



Liquid crystals are often referred to and thought of as the fourth state of matter (the other three being solids, liquids and gases). Liquid crystals, as the name suggests, fits right between the Solid and Liquid states. Due to this they can have properties of both states and hence are described as 'flowing crystals.'


Due to the flowing nature of the liquid crystals, when seen close-up through a microscope they show shimmering patterns (as shown in the above picture). When these images are captured on film they are referred to as 'Textures.' It is the variations in shape, size, and colour of the texture that are used to make the pictures that I refer to as Liquid Crystal Art (Shown right, Anticeeds).


Each liquid crystal texture is made up from billions of molecules, that are only a millionth of a metre in size. When viewed through a microscope, the textures used in creating Liquid Crystal Artwork are approximately a thousandth of a metre across. Using various sections of different textures I have been able to build up what would be referred to as a collage, which resembles familiar objects and images, such as flowers and birds.


Examples of my Liquid Crystal Art can be found in the gallery, as well as in the shop section of the site, where the images are available for purchase (please see the ordering page for more information on print size, materials, and charges).


If you would like to get in touch please use the form on the contact page.